
Eye Injections

Board Certified Ophthalmologist Specializing in Vitreo-Retinal Diseases & Surgery located in Hollywood, FL

Eye Injections

Intravitreal injections of medications are delivered into the eye through a very small thin needle. They are commonly used to treat conditions such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, & retinal vein occlusion. Dr. Shienbaum is proud to offer the most up-to-date injectable medications, including Avastin®, Lucentis®, Eylea®, Vabysmo®, Triesence®, Ozurdex®, and Syfovre®. The injection procedure takes place in the office, is quick and painless, and has a very fast recovery time. Patients often experience eye irritation the day of the injection procedure, which is typically relieved by using artificial tear eye drops. Some patients may also experience a small bruise, or blood spot, on the white part of the eye, but this is temporary and does not affect the health of the eye.